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Ad Campaign Creatives | Scenes by Avalon

Social Media Ads | Avalon Scenes

Create ad visuals riding on the popularity and credibility of Discord & Slack (the competitors) for Avalon Scenes. These ads will run across various social media sites.

Avalon Scenes is an app that helps brands manage, moderate, and monetize their community in one powerful app — with their brand appearance, under their name

My Role:
Creative Direction
The copy was given by the Scenes team, they wanted help visualising it.

The idea was to use the brand language of Discord & Slack but with our messaging (since we were targeting those who were already using discord and slack for their communities.)
This way we could ride on their credibility while also getting our point across.

Illustrations By:
Nixant Creatives

Thanks for bringing these ideas to life!

Ad 1
Plug & Play Discord Experience Now In Your Scenes App

Show the Discord app being drained of all its features into the Avalon app.

Ad 2
Discord is not for businesses. Try scenes

Portray the Discord logo as an irresponsible kid who games all day.

The idea was to help businesses realise that using Discord which was primarily made for gaming communities does not portray their brand in the right light and prompt them to switch to a better platform which lets them control the look, feel and vibe of their community and not be dictated by the features available on Discord which was created keeping gamers in mind.

Ad 3
Plug & Play Slack Experience Now In Your Scenes App

Show the Slack app icon being poured into the Avalon app.
Ad Campaign Creatives | Scenes by Avalon