In recent years, shared scooters have increasingly become a popular option for daily transportation. Nonetheless, the utilization of shared scooters entails the sharing of helmets as well. The matter of cleanliness arises as a concern that needs to be addressed by both the companies and the users.
Recent Solutions.
Currently, each company's approach involves providing a disposable cover inside the vehicle, allowing users to wear the cover before putting on the helmet.However, the effectiveness of this solution is limited. Over time, moisture still seeps into the fabric lining despite the use of the cover. As a result, issues related to unpleasant odor and hygiene persist without notable improvement.

"As we've created a new travel mode, 
we should think about the new transport experience."

Design Concept.
After sorting out the related issues, we grouped the design objectives into air circulation and steam absorption. 
The ASP is able to improve the odor and hygiene problem by changing the lining material and the ventilation of the body so that steam is not easily accumulated inside.
During the process, we have tried different kinds of waterproof materials as the main material for the lining, and we have also discussed with the technician about the suggestions of various lining production, the characteristics of the fabric, the combination of materials, etc.





In recent years, shared scooters have gradually emerged as a new choice for many people's commute. The ASP is able to improve the odor and hygien Read More
