Because in german winter it is hard to have pretty outdoor shootings and i love my Jungle-Series shootings, i decided to build a jungle set inside my studio.
Here i have a full flexible environment. I control the light, I control the temperature, humidity, fog - everything - nothing is left to chance.

Will the pictures always look similar? Yes! But they also do that when I go to my location in front of the door.

I made a wooden frame. I then gave it various cross braces to simulate different levels to put there plants. It was important to create some depth to mimic the effect of a large jungle. This was filled with a lot ... a lot ... of fake plants, bought in different sources - not only the internet but also local shops. The whole scene is enlighted with three led video lights. Back, head and front light.
Behind the Scenes Video
How the Scene looks through the lens of a mobile phone and the different steps: RAW picture out of cam, after lightroom and after photoshop.
One of my classic Jungle shots outdoor on the left, compared to a fake Jungle image.
Here some of the latest Results from my personal Studio-Jungle - big thank you to all my wonderful models ❤
I build a Jungle


I build a Jungle
