Tanvi B's profile

Play Store Screenshots

Screenshots play an important role in introducing the product to the users. Not only do they get an insight into what the product looks like, but important features can also be highlighted which makes the product more familiar for the user.

Screenshots also make the product look more attractive, which is why they should be clear and to the point. 

Here are some examples that I have previously worked on:

Hubhopper is India's largest podcast hosting, creation and distribution platform. Using the Hubhopper mobile app, users can record audio files, add sound effects and background music, and distribute them to the top streaming platforms. 

Since I work here as a UI/UX Designer, I also designed the screenshots where I highlighted the main features of the app. 

FeelJoy is a well-being consulting organisation that aims to help you enhance your emotional health and general well-being. This service is for people who are unsure about psycho-therapy, are having trouble locating the correct mental health provider, or just want to chat to someone.

Here is another set of screenshots I worked on in my own time:

Zomato is a platform that allows users to search and discover restaurants, read and write customer generated reviews and view and upload photos, order food delivery, book a table and make payments while dining-out at restaurants.

Play Store Screenshots

Play Store Screenshots
