Nature Conservation: Arbor Tribe

Context of design problem 
Our design problem is based on the Sand forest, that can be found along the coast of Kwazulu-Natal. We are looking specifically at the Sand forest because of the illegal deforestation that is happing in and around that area. Forests are a vital part in our ecosystems and that is why we want to address the problem, to ensure that it does not get destroyed. It is very important to look at these ecosystems and understand what role they play in our lives. This forest forms a habitat that is a home to a variety of different fauna and flora species that are also critically threatened. This endangered animals include the Suni Antelope as well as critically endangered vegetation, that can mostly be found in that ecosystem. That is why it is important that we address this problem, other wise the forest might die out and all the endangered animals and vegetation can be lost with it. The animals might have to relocate and find a new place to live in and some of the vegetation might not be able to grow under other conditions, so they might go extinct. The community affected by this design problem is the community of Kwazulu-Natal around the and forest area, because it is due to illegal logging that the forest is being deforested and destroyed. 42% of the sand forest fall in the area of certain parks and nature reserves, and that is why those areas are being protected by the reserves. The problem we are looking at is the 58% of the forest, that is not being protected because it falls outside the boundaries of certain parks and reserves. 
Who is affected?
Timber Manufacturers 
What is the problem? 
Deforestation in the Sand Forrest leading to endangering 
the habitat of the Suni Antelope. 
Where does it happen? 
The Sand forest in Kwazulu-Natal 
Why does it matter? 

Endangered habitats and affected ecosystems 

Final problem statement 
We need to find a way to protect the Sand Forrest from deforestation resulting in endangering habitats of the Suni Antelope. The value to society and local government is that people's livelihoods are protected, new methods and resources are being used to ensure improvement in cities as well as the economy, people are being educated and it helps the fight against climate change, to ensure a better tomorrow. 
1. Manufacturing companies 
Looking into new and different materials that can be used to make the products. e.g., bamboo 
This will help minimize the wood that is being cut down for production purposes. 
The problem that rose was that the area might not be fit to get other materials for manufacturing and people's livelihood will be affected through job loss. 
2. Creating awareness 
Creating awareness on the problem by making billboards and advertisements, so that people can see what is happening. 
A lot of people could be reached through billboards and adverting, if you put it at the right place. 
The problem is that we don’t not want to create more problems in the environment due to printing, so it has to be digital or an already existing billboard.  
3. Doing walks in nature 
Attract people to go on hiking and camping trips in the area, so they can truly see and experience nature and the forest we are trying to save.  
This will create awareness and people will see why it is vital to care for the forests and trees. 
The only problem can be the cost that is associated with such a trip. 
4. Education programs 
Starting educational programs where you go out to schools and go speak to the about the importance of trees, how to plant trees and how to take care of them. 
Afterwards you are taking them out into their community, so that they can apply the knowledge they have learnt, by really planting a tree. 
An app will be used for extra information on the program and to keep track and document what has been done. This will also show the new projects that are being worked on and what areas trees are being planted. 
5. Organizations 
Going out to organizations and foundations and helping them out in creating awareness. 
Start volunteering and getting involved in their solutions, to help benefit tree and forest with the help of existing programs. 
The only problem is that the organizations will not specifically be focusing on the problem we want to address. 
6. Rules and regulations 
Getting more rules and regulations in place, with regards to forests that are open to the public, to ensure that it is used sustainably and not being exploited. 
This will require going to the government to get new restrictions instead, and that might take a long time to implement. That should also be taken into account. 
Final solution 
The final solution that we chose was to do the educational programs. Not only are you educating kids and students on the importance of nature, forests and trees. You are also giving them a practical way to apply it through planting a tree. This will also help uplift the community and area that the trees are plant in. 

For our prototype we are looking specifically at the process that is going to be followed for the solution as well as the app we would want to launch and use for education program: 
Application for education program
Short term goals: 
Create awareness and start the educational program. 
Start identifying areas that need it other than Kwazulu-Natal. 
Go to the schools in the communities and teach them about trees. 
Plant a tree in the community. 
Medium term goals: 
If we were able to take the project further and we had more time, we would want to start working with other organizations on solving the problems. 
By partnering with bigger organizations, we would be able to reach out to more people and create more awareness. 
We will then not only want to focus on schools, but on other projects as well, that we can get the community excited about and involved in. 
Long term goals: 
By getting other parties involved and having a bigger platform to work on, we will hopefully create more awareness, and get more people interested in the cause. 
We would then like to get to a place where we are able to petition the court, to put in stronger rules and regulations regarding the Sand Forest and other forests just like it. We want the rules to be implemented to ensure that these natural habitats and ecosystems are being protected to the best of our abilities. 
The ultimate end goal will be, to be able to restore the forests back to its original and thriving state, through planting trees, education, being responsible and doing what can be done to make a change.  
Recommendations for further development
In the future we would love to take the project further and work more towards the long-term goals. 
User Testing
Question 1 : Do you think educating people about deforestation would help?

Question 2 : Would you want to plant trees?

Question 3 : Do you think it will help people understand nature better, if they are taken                            out into nature?

Question 4 : Do you think People will be interested in learning about trees and forests?

Question 5 : Do you think schools will be interested in campaigns about planting trees?
Question 6 : Would you want to be involved in such a campaign?
Nature Conservation: Arbor Tribe