Design Problem:
My problem was that I felt the original movie poster for the film was ambiguous and simple. as someone who is a huge fan of the franchise I wanted to create a more elaborate poster including imagery that matched the film.

Design Challenges:
one of my biggest challenge's was the colors. The original image was tinted green as the style of the film, but I wanted to include red in the poster and it was looking a little Christmas-y. I also struggled with what to include in the poster without adding any spoilers and without adding too much. Even if I thought the original was too simple I didn't want anything too busy.

Design Process:
I used photoshop to create this poster most of what I used were layer mask, hue saturation, and playing with layer modes as well. I also added a bit of a blur effect to the image. To create the sawblade behind Amanda I used illustrator and used multiple triangles with a gradient of red and silver to make it fit the theme of the film. The spiral was hand draw in illustrator.

Design Solution:
The original poster was ambiguous to the content of the film and really didn't include anything memorable. This is why i decided to include one of the most iconic scenes from the movie in the poster while also adding other symbolism. The original lacked color as well which is why I tried to add more life to my poster.
Saw Poster

Saw Poster
