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Weapon Design 2D art

2D art- weapon design 
for this assignment we had to make concept art for weapons designed by ourselves, we each had to pick a number from 1 to 12 on which you got a sertain time periode, i picked the number 6 and got the time periode 1920.
from the start i was kinda upset cause i could'nt think of 1 original idea wit hthat time age cause i was hoping i could make a epic hunting weapon like in video games, however i started doing some research on the time periode and most weapons were guns, which is something i diddnt want to make. So i decided to make weapons that could be used by spies or more specifically; Men in Black or kings men.
here's a little sneak peak:
My first design was a shaving knife that has two buttons, one has a needle that has poison in it and the other button shoots the knife itself (like a gun)
my second design was the Top Hat which has a button on the top that which schoots out spikes and works like a boomerang, but even after that one i wasnt that pleased with my designs and so i wanted something out of the blue. And so my third design.
The Trombone sniper, it works just as the name says, a sniper that's actually a trombone, there's a button on the bottem which makes the trombone turn into a sniper rifle. 
reflection: The first part was alot of fun, i already made concept art for monsters etc but never for weapons, also you can see that my concepts improved over time as the Trombone Sniper looks way better than the Shaving knife (art wise). So i improved aswell :D.

Working together:
for the second part of the assignment we had to switch out one concept with the person sitting next to us and so my friend Amy and I swapped concepts. After doing that you had to make that concept art in a 3D program aka Blender
I started simple with the basic parts, then it got harder as i was doing the cloth parts and after that i did the strings with the little balls attached to them (this took long but was alot of fun)
and then it was time to texture it all, first off i made the cloth texture and it was a pain in the ass but it works :D. after that it was mostly just finding a wood texture and normal map and i was almost done, Then i cleaned up the model a bit and made 4 renders :).
Reflection working together:
Pain but amazing, as someone who isn't that good in blender i was already nervous before i even opend the program but after i did the first few things i really started to enjoy working on it alot. I aslo communicated with Amy quite a bit and overall it went really well and im really proud of my end result. :)
Weapon Design 2D art

Weapon Design 2D art
