I started making advertisements for my demo album. I used my cover in both advertisements, like many album ads would. I decided I would use my cover but extend my background and chaos design into a screen sized advertisement, with my cover in the middle. I have seen a lot of ads like this for albums, and I really like them so I decided to do my own version of it. I also used the same font I used when I was making the cover but in a different color with an outer glow. I learned many styles and generated many ideas that I will be using, ideas that follow trends and could help increase sales with an actual album.
 I have learned a lot about album promotion advertising. I would release my EP for pre-order, with a single or two coming out before the actual album is released for purchase and streaming. I think I might release it when I am happy with it because after my research I found a list of places where you can post cover songs that have their own licenses that they pay for so that artists can post their music. I will need to contact a backing track owner/ maker and use their backing tracks and have their permission to use their drums and bass and effects in my songs. I made many ads, some basic advertisements, one is where I remade the CarPlay screen, showing the song playing. I did this one to advertise listening to the song, and that it is worthy of being played on aux in front of your friends. I learned a lot about the process of releasing a full album, doing it yourself, and with a record label.
Album Ads

Album Ads
