Duong Truong's profile

CỐT | Type Specimen

COT (pronounced koht) is a sans-serif display typeface inspired by the human skeleton. 

In Vietnamese, not only does “cốt” mean foundation but it also means bone. For the latter is what preserves what is left of us in this world, COT was designed to honor its beauty - human essence in its most naked form. The slim, subtle skeleton letterforms of it give off an eerie yet quirky vibe, making it a unique font to work with.
COT fully supports Vietnamese and English.


The strokes are kept narrow at the bottom up to the middle, then gradually expanded to the tips. Most characters (e.g., A, B, H, I...) are designed with a main stem that resembles the fibula (calf bone) while others simulate various parts of the skeleton upon customization in order to comply with the font guidelines.
1. B -  Ribs; 2. D - Scapula; 3. O - Skull; 4. I - Fibula; 5. V - Teeth; 6. W - Pelvis; 7. E - Vertebrae; 8. F - Spine


Instructors - Vu Thuy Van, Do Tran Ngoc Anh
HCMC University of Fine Arts

CỐT | Type Specimen


CỐT | Type Specimen
