This series was created for an assessment piece. It was an open brief where we could choose any creative avenue.  I chose to do photomontages as I wanted to work towards better developing my photoshop skills but also to challenge myself and try something new. I had a lot of fun with this project as I've never done any surreal art before and after this it's something I'm definitely going to continue working on.  As a bonus challenge all the images used in the series I shot myself.  I do look forward to getting to create another series but use stock images so I can have a bit more freedom.

I named the series Mugwort Dreams because my friend gifted me this amazing sleep tea.  She also added some mugwort into it because it makes you have crazy dreams, which it very much does.  I thought that the name was very fitting for the series as they feel like weird scenarios that you would find in your dreams.
Mugwort Dreams

Mugwort Dreams
