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Event Management App

Take Home Assignment
Event Management App
Design a mobile application through which a user can view, manage, join and follow events/meet up.

It should include following:

1. Login / Signup into the app.
2. View all the events in the month/weekly view.
3. Open event details which will contain following

·         Name
·         Description
·         Event Date/Time
·         Live feeds/updates by the organizer/person
·         Fill in their details to Join/Book for selected event
·         Contact Link

4.    On joining they should be able to add to their preferred calendar.
5.    On the day of event, they should get a notification for the event
6.    View organizer/person's profile

·         Follow the organizer/person to view their updates
·         Contact organizer/person

7. View Feeds of the event/organizers they are following and react/comment on them.


Information Architecture
User Personas
User Journey or User Flows
Visual Design


1.    As it is a hypothetical assignment, I would like you to use your imagination for                     designing the deliverables. So, you have full freedom to design it your way.
2.    Consider that this presentation is going to be presented in front of the investors and           you need to design it accordingly.
3.    The presentation should not include more than 10-12 slides
4.    Please send the assignment in next 3-4 days.
Event Management App


Event Management App



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