After listening to the entire track,
wipe off the track dust.
The track is a product for vinyl collectors that can combine the function of the turntable
with the associated LP cleaning and management.

The structure of the track consists of three major parts: 
the main tone arm of the turntable, the head shell part, the spindle and platter on which the LP is placed, 
and the base on the bottom.
1. The top part (tone arm and head shell) moves vertically from the edge of the LP to the center point to play vinyl music. In addition, the top part has a turntable needle on one side, which allows music to be played, and the bottom part is wrapped with a velvet cloth on the other side, so it can be managed as a cleaning tool on the turntable by gently pressing and rotating the vinyl.

2. Spindle and two-stage platter. The spindle is fixed to the platter at the top, and has one more platter at the bottom. The bottom is fixed, but the spindle and the top platter can be horizontally moved, allowing the vinyl to move to the center of the vinyl to expand the cleaning range when cleaning by pressing and rotating the vinyl to the top of the velvet fabric.

3. The bottom serves as a base, like other turntables, but there are built-in cleaning and management tools that extend awareness and behavior from listening to and managing the process of one vinyl enjoyment.
*This is an ongoing operation. 
Designed by Songmi Kim

