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The Amazon Jungle, Peru Edits V3

Peru 2019 - The Amazon Jungle, Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo Reserve 26.11.2019
The Camu Camu fruit found abundantly all over the Amazon jungle has been long used by the Indigenous to treat ailments, provide pain relief and aids infections, promote longjevity, and can also be used to promote hair growth & healthy skin. It's certainly well known as one of those powerhouse 'super fruits'. 
Camu Camu berries are exceptionally high in vitamin C content supporting healthy immune systems, helps to avoid colds & flus, and is also a powerful antioxidant. 
The taste of one of these berries picked straight from the tree can resemble a very sour cherry mixed with some lemon and lime
Water lettuce - but not the kind of lettuce for your salads! 

Water lettuce is a floating, herbaceous perennial plant found across the globe in tropical and subtropical regions. Water lettuce, also called water cabbage or Nile cabbage, is aptly named and looks like a head of the leafy greens.
Beautiful Water Hyacinths
The Amazon Jungle, Peru Edits V3

The Amazon Jungle, Peru Edits V3
