After hearing the news that H.E. Sir. ABE Shinzo, Japan's former Prime Minister, passed away on July 8, and I would like to express my deepest sympathy. 
All the violence in the world is unbearable and again do not make sense.
I have not been to Japan yet, but I really hope that one day I will have the opportunity. It may sound strange, but I really feel connected to Japan as a country. I'm from a small island in Denmark Bornholm, and I have always traveled around the world, because when I was young, I had extension to the unknown.
I always look forward to meeting the rest of the world. My father had a job that made him travel a lot. He brought things from all over the world. It created a longing in me. So I have traveled a lot, but had not got the chance for a visit to Japan. 
Because I am dyslexic, language is essential to me. When I was young, I had a really good friend who spoke Japanese. I was captivated by your countrys art. A culture and way of life that on the surface seemed promoted but quickly became familiar. 
I am fascinated by the way we live and the differences that can inspire us humans. It is especially important in times of crisis and in grief. That we remember that there is more that binds us together than there is that divides us. 
Caroline Scheibel
H.E. Sir. ABE Shinzo


H.E. Sir. ABE Shinzo

Illustration for a newspaper
