UX Case study by Adi Akkapeddi


A South Korean multinational electronics corporation headquartered in the Yeongtong District of Suwon that produces Smartphones, TVs, Audio equipment, Appliances, Tablets and computing.
Problem Statement

A lot of Samsung fans want a delightful shopping experience when shopping for Samsung's new and existing Products including Smartphones, Tablets, Televisions, Fridges, etc on the Samsung Website and/or Mobile App. 

We will know this to be true when Samsung provides a potential platform to do so.

To provide a digital solution from Samsung that brings all Users a feel-good experience while using the application. I redesigned the website and Mobile App that allows quick and easy purchasing with fewer click actions.

Figma, Figjam, Adobe XD, & Zoom.
1. Discover
User Research

I conducted the interviews to understand the users' needs. The primary user group identified during the research was working adults who do not have time to spend much time on applications to purchase a product.
This user group's responses confirmed the assumptions about the Samsung customers. but research also revealed that time was not the only factor limiting users to buy desire things.

Other user problems also included interest, the challenge of purchasing online products, User flow.
Competitive Analysis (SWOT)
User Interviews
2. Define
Affinity Mapping

Based on User Interview insights
User Persona
User Journey
3 Ideate
User Flows
Card Sorting
Card Sorting was done to Categories all the features  under different sections which will further help in organizing the information architecture.
Information Architecture- Web
Information Architecture- Mobile
Low Fidelity Wire frames (Web)
Low Fidelity Wire frames (Mobile)
High Fidelity Mockups (Web)
Prototypes Web
High Fidelity Mockups (Mobile)
Login Screen
Home Screen
Product View (Galaxy S22)
Prototypes Mobile
Promotional Email
Samsung Project


Samsung Project
