Trisha Inouye's profile

The Healing Cloud Project

I collaborated with fellow students Jennifer Cho (Illustration), Lisa Wakiyama (Illustration), and Diana Lui (Graphic Design) to script, design, and illustrate five educational children's books. 
I created this “¡Caliente!” spread.
(1) My hand-painted and hand-sewn Santi doll prototype (left) with the final version, produced by the other designers (right). 
(2) The Santi doll played a key role in our social media campaign on Instagram for COANIQUEM. 
(3) Mascot Santi meeting COANIQUEM founder and president for the first time. Costume designed by Jennifer Cho and built by Art Center alumna Caitlin Anne.
The Healing Cloud Project

The Healing Cloud Project

I cooperated with students of various disciplines to rebrand South American health organization COANIQUEM as a Designmatters initiative.
