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AirDoc Medical Branding

About the project 

Airdoc is an allergy and immunology clinic brand, that was created by our team from scratch. This naming was chosen as an abbreviation for the words Allergy Immunology Respiratory Diseases Open Clinic. 

The OC ligature is paid specific attention, which is an accent on the Open clinic format. Flowers in the identity are used as a challenge for allergens. With AirDoc you can bravely combat your allergy, while enjoying life and flowers too!

Repeated geometric symbols, used in the identity, take their origins in Buddhist meditations. They are also connected with wabi sabi philosophy, that is also close to the brand. It is about calm, balance and acceptance of unpredictability of life. AirDoc style is about minimalism (wabi) with a conscious choice (sabi).

Brand philosophy

To be transparent in methods of diagnostics and treatment, that are based on standards of evidence medicine. The brand slogan is “relief as a result”. This very relief, a feeling of lightness, of clouds in the sky, purity and freshness is displayed in the brand as in a colour palette as well as in graphic approaches.

The moodboard

To be sure that we have the same brand feeling as the client, we always approve concepts based on the references and moodboard. As you can see, references do not have such a big difference with the final graphic design and visual material we created.

Color combination

The names of the colors we use are Ocean, Sky, Light, Peach. Blue color palette gives us the feeling of freedom and easiness of breath, while the Peachy is the color accent we need like a "play" button, that starts the melody playing.

Uniform design

Empathy is the main brand value. Due to that the logo uses mild wavy lines, accurate and strict lines, as an expert medical opinion. The same with the uniform: patterns, flowers, text – all these elements works as small accents to underline the medical expert look. 

Graphic design + interior design

Working with the graphic design, it's important for us to create design that's possible to implement in life, and we always provide art direction that helps match with mockups expectations feelings.

All design is carefully integrated in clinic interior and medical workers uniform. White color dominates in both, uniform and interior. Small accents play well on this solid background. Instead of using peachy color in material, we focus on the wood, using it for walls and navigation.


It's important to keep the balance between branding elements: that's why you can see a doctor in uniform with the AIRDOC logo on it, holding a folder with a flower and tagline, but without a huge logo on it. As well as the poster on the wall with the focus on the flower, not a huge logo sign.

Real photos – real content

Nothing can share the brand emotions as real photos. We're so proud that each brand we created has a personal photoshoot for website and social media content. And we're using this content for indoor and advertising afterward! 

And regarding the videos – we adore them even more than photos! 


Inspirational content: some Instagram-style posters for social media. First stage variations with stock photos, chosen by the same color palette, to save the same mood & vibe.

Website and illustrations for the campaign 

Our team work on the Design Concept for website (based on the Home Page we design) and Airdoc billboards (outdoor campaign with photos, videos and illustrations). And we also created a short set of vector illustrations for the benefits and main scenarios of an advertising campaign.

Thank you for attention! 

the Unicorn is a full-cycle studio for startups and established companies.
Branding & UX/UI Design & Motion Design & 3D Animated Services.
We merge aesthetics with business goals.

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AirDoc Medical Branding

Project Made For

AirDoc Medical Branding

The AirDOC Clinic for Allergology and Immunology is a team united by common values and goals. An allergy is always a complex problem. Therefore, Read More
