United By Blood

United By Blood was a not-for-profit civil society mission which was working on covid relief efforts pan India. Started in April 2021. At a time of Covid 19 crisis, UBB provided COVID relief to all those who needed it, they provided Free Oxygen Service through OxyTaxi at people's doorstep. Not just oxygen cylinders but they carried out vaccination drives, with a motto to make vaccines accessible to all in the comfort of their own cars.

United By Blood was a way for everybody to look beyond divisions of nationality, region, caste, color or religion and be united for humanity. 

As COVID 19 took the traditional media for a toss and digital was the only medium that helped the masses to be connected.
We used Google as a tool to reach out to the masses and gain their attention by creating a doodle of Taxi and a vaccine, that would be used on google search engines along with a quick access link to get vaccination and oxygen supply.

United By Blood

United By Blood
