Theatrical Cut
IN SIGHT is a celebration of the arts as an undying movement. It is done in hope to grant me my wish for art to be seen as a collective effort that is influenced and initiated by everyone, be it intentionally or subconsciously by artists or non-artists.

This is to celebrate the growth and enrichment of life with the power of art and artistic belief, featuring the voices of unique individuals who expressed the things that they discover, acknowledge, and realise through art.
With these 3 prompts, I managed to gather extensive responses and unique insights from various artists and non-artists in my life for the creation of the script:

1) What does art do for you?
2) How would you describe your thoughts and feelings when you are in the flow with art?
3) How does art change you as an individual?
The participants were highly cooperative and shared many insights about their experiences and thoughts about art. Their words moved me which became my main source of inspiration for this project.

Over 10 pages of written and audio content were recorded and transcribed here
The script was written based on the transcripts, compiled into a single shared experience. The timeline of the human experience with art is broken down into 3 phases, with the first phase being the process of opening up one's mind upon participation. The second phase explores the phenomenon of being in flow. The last phase is when one transitions back to the initial state but with a newfound discovery and love for their surroundings.
As adrenaline and passion seep into my bones,
I finally understand and feel understood.
Like a missing puzzle piece that found and sat with me.
My bond with energy blossoms, for me to feed from it.
There opens a safe space,
Like a warm hug, a magnet that draws you in.
Not knowing where I'll land, it excites yet comforts me.

When in happens, time stands still,
waiting for me to see in a myriad of views.
And behold the world through a kaleidoscope.
As surrounding emotions and beauty soak in me,
it opens me to feel and discover more.
Tapping into the intangibles and myself,
Giving me hope from the elusive beyond.

When I return, I look around differently,
Which fills me with gratitude from then on.
With the love I found for myself and the world around me,
I learnt to go unhurried and free.
And I'll give my trust in wherever the wind takes me.
As we paint a picture with power and belief,
I'll pass on the energy I held on so dearly.
In feeding hearts and enriching lives,
I find comfort, faith, peace, and bliss.
Color Palette
As the artists I reached out to described their escape to art as being transported into a safe and ethereal space, I envisioned my styleframes to be a visualisation of that experience and how they view the world upon engaging with art. Organic, colorful, and dreamlike elements are used to convey that feeling.
Many elements have a resemblance to both nature (sea, floral, aurora borealis, stars, planets) and man-made (clock, diamonds, marbles, lanterns) entities, acting as abstracted representations of beauty and the mystical. To open your mind as you connect with art is to see and discover more beauty in your surroundings.
Thanks For Watching!


This piece is a celebration of the arts as an undying movement. It is done in hopes to grant me my wish for art to be seen as a collective effort Read More
