anthony cavins's profile

I painted some people that inspire me

Time is of the Essence
Ok so Ab-soul is the most recent additions to my list of favorite rappers.  He hasn’t been on most peoples radar very long if at all, but that’s neither here nor there.  In his music he strays far from the typical rap subjectssometimes without the listener even realizing it.  I love the concept of educating people on the sly, causally introducing new concepts and knowledge as if it’s not even an odd thing to speak on.  His current album is entitled “Control Systems” (it’s good) but the album I’ve found myself so many times listening to was his previous release “Longterm Mentality”.  There are a couple of songs I love on that album but one that sticks out is Time is of the Essence.  I guess I just feel like I’ve wasted a lot of time in my life.
Anyway thanks Ab-soul for doing what you do.
Andre 3000
I’ve been drawing inspiration and knowledge from this man for years and years.  He was one of the first people that came to mind when I was planning this series. Andre 3000 was probably one of the first people that stood out to me that went against the grain.  Someone that expressed themselvesfully and freely and was not afraid to take risks.  He painted pictures with his lyrics and that really inspired me. On top of that he and partner Big Boi have a career that spans 20 years and they are still light years ahead of most.
Thanks Andre.
Eric Thomas
Pain is Temporary
If you ever felt like sleeping in, like you couldn’t achieve something, like it was too much effort to get out of bed and go to the bathroom . . . . ok well maybe not so much the last one . . . . anyway Eric Thomas is the guy that will tell you it can be done.  I have known of him since my early teen years but I recently rediscovered him and his TGIM series (he also has a book). One of the most moving talks for me was his video Pain is Temporary.  I have nerve damage in my hands that makes it painful for me to even do my job at times, so this spoke to me in a real way. He’s a great motivational speaker that went from being homeless to speaking to students, corporations, and pro athletes.  He’s part of the reason that I don’t get enough sleep but more importantly the reason I push myself to finite and beyond.
Thanks ET.
Jean Grae
The Dread Pirate Robert of Rap
I have known of Jean Grae for a couple of years and I’ve always admired and respected her talents.  It wasn’t until in 2012, however, when I came across an interview with her and I was instantly intrigued not just by her lyrical talents but by her outlook on life.  One of the main things that sticks out to me about her is her disregard of rules when it comes to creativity or even in the way she runs her career. She is not shy about doing her own thing and she seems to care more about her art than being famous. I really admire that and try to follow fewer and fewer rules.
Keep doing your thing Jean, thank you for being you.
Voice of the People
I don’t remember the circumstances surrounding discovering MIA but I remember feeling like “wait what?”.  I was mesmerized. She, like every one of the people I included in this show, is terrible at following rules.  Her style, her sound, her art (she’s a visual artist as well, I’m gonna work with her one day . . . she doesn’t know that yet though) it’s just out there and rebellious. That speaks to me because while I’m pretty rebellious I’m still pretty shy at my core.  Seeing someone out there all the way just doing them is beautiful to me.  I also love the way she stays fighting for the people, for the people that don’t have a voice.  I think when you have a platform it’s your duty to speak for and to the people that don’t.
Thanks MIA.
I painted some people that inspire me

I painted some people that inspire me

I painted some people that have inspired me through the years.


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