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TZFM201 Summer Barefoot Café

Use of existing social media marketing templates is essential in this highly competitive market. These have a proven track record with the known key marketing hooks together with the associations of coffee and emotions.

A market and customer assessment is required and should be conducted before creating the brief. This should include: comment cards, guest Wi Fi use analysis for guest behaviour patterns and profile. This should include customer segmentation. Other methods are; an assessment of signage and interior matching with guest profiles.

Thus my assessment would include an assessment of previous and current marketing strategies as background research for the brief. This should include previous social media marketing, use of a loyalty programme, guest ratings and an assessment of any locality marketing on social media.

Pictures of the coffee shop from the video were captured and would be used as an assessment of the current image and to be used in the marketing, until the branding assessment has been completed. The picture of the cup with "Any questions" would invite feedback as part of the process.

Examples of Coffee shop template for marketing to guests are shown below.
TZFM201 Summer Barefoot Café

TZFM201 Summer Barefoot Café


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