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Some TED Talks For Those In The Real Estate Industry

While being in real estate can be extremely fulfilling, it can also be disheartening. The real estate market is constantly shifting, and depending on where you work and how much experience you have, chances are you might not always succeed as much as you’d like. So what do you do when you find yourself struggling and need to find a way to pick yourself back up? One great option is to watch a TED Talk. There are loads of TED Talks given by real estate agents and business professionals in general that are meant to educate and inspire people to go out there and be the most successful version of themselves they can be. Let’s talk about a few of the best of those TED Talks.

Why the Buildings of the Future Will Be Shaped by…You – Marc Kushner
As a real estate agent, one of the most important roles that you can have is to sell homes. Although it may seem obvious, most agents barely know anything about architecture. In this talk, architect, and entrepreneur Marc Kushner talks about how the future will be shaped by architecture. He then explains how the internet will allow people to create more daring and bold buildings.

How to Build a Business That Lasts 100 Years – Martin Reeves
Although you likely don’t think about your real estate business in generational terms, building a company that lasts should be your main focus. Since businesses don’t last as long as they used to, it’s important that you learn how to adapt to the changes that are happening in the industry. In this talk, Martin Reeves, a strategist, takes a deep dive into the principles of biology to help real estate agents adapt to the changes that are happening in the market.

How Failure Made Barbara Corcoran’s Career – Barbara Corcoran
Barbara Corcoran’s talk about failure is one of the best. It’s so great, it should practically be required watching for any would-be real estate agent or agent who is finding themselves facing hurdles in their career. These hurdles are far easier to overcome than you think they are, and they can also be the fuel that will propel you to exponential growth. One of the most important things that real estate agents should remember is that failure, not success, is what will propel you forward in life.

Grit: The Power Of Passion and Perseverance – Angela Ducksworth
Angela Duckworth’s talk on grit is another must-see for anyone who is interested in science-backed inspiration. It’s a fascinating look into the inner workings of people who succeed despite the odds. While the other talks on this list are all given by business people, what makes Angela’s talk so unique is that she’s a psychologist. Angela also has a great book on the subject worth reading.

This article was originally published on Shafqat Dad's website!
Some TED Talks For Those In The Real Estate Industry

Some TED Talks For Those In The Real Estate Industry


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