Electric Art's profile

Heineken for the Latin Grammys

Dieste briefed EA to create this cool image for Heineken, sponsors of the Latin Grammys. The client supplied the product shot & background graphic elements. Our 3D department created the bottle cap & intricate beer splashes in the shape of music notes & instruments, finding the balance of just enough detail in the instruments to make them identifiable in the liquid. Retouching comped the 3D elements together with photographic splashes & created an overall atmospheric smokin' treatment.
Agency: Dieste Dallas
CD: Gabriel Trujillo
Art Director: Mike Lopez
Art Buyer: Kaitlyn Cunningham
Heineken for the Latin Grammys

Heineken for the Latin Grammys

Dieste briefed EA to create this cool image for Heineken, sponsors of the Latin Grammys. The client supplied the product shot & background graphi Read More
