The ceramic and steatite sculptures and bowls I made before I got into the artacedemy.
One of the first things I made in ceramic. It may look like bronze, but that is just the way I painted it. I guess I was about 10 years old when I made it. My classmates bullied me at school, so that's why this lady looks sad.
A flower bowl made of white ceramic. I used black ceramic to coluor the leaves and the middle.
White ceramic. Looks a bit like a flower.
The image above and below are made when I had some lessons from Deridre Mclaughlin. Her stile is much different than mine, but she inspires me every time I'm buzy with ceramic.
Here we have a steatite, like the two others below. This one... I actually don't know what it is, I just made it.
This one is also a "I don't know what it is." Maybe it has something to do with love because of the heart-shape in the middle.
This is my leaning tower. Like my life, it is not straight and normal. I just be myself, but that means I am different than others.
My bronze dance-couple on a branch. I made this one because dancing symbolizes happieness and also love. I really am happy with my boyfriend and the love I feel for and from him, is what I tried to catch in this sculpture.
A screaming lady. The first one I made in bronze. I was really confused but also angry and scared. I wanted to scream out all those emotions, but now I haven't to make that noise, my screaming lady already does.


The sculptures I made.


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