Aven is small and slim, as if one strong gust of breeze would pull her away. Her hair short but wispy, representing her element of the wind.  She feels emotions very strongly, but struggles to convey them verbally, and often uses body language to convey how she’s feeling. Her outfit is loose, the wind not liking to be restrained. Being a first-year wind walker in a school of various elementals, it is easy for her to be missed as wind elementals aren’t the most powerful or noticed. However, she doesn’t want to be shoved to the side. She’s determined to become part of the dueling team, proving to her father that she’s stronger than she looks. It’s not easy, however, and she finds herself struggling to adapt to this new and chaotic environment, juggling the storm of schoolwork and tryouts while also figuring out herself.
Sometimes, at her lowest points, Aven finds herself doubting herself. Practice went badly, and she couldn’t quite grasp today’s lecture on weather patterns, despite having enjoyed studying them as a kid. The first pose, Aven is walking, hunched over with hands in her pocket. The important part of the pose is the curled, hunched-over look, which would contrast the pride she usually walks with. Her center of weight is resting on one leg as the other kicks a stone. The second pose is Aven crouched, poking at the dirt with a stick. She often wanders to the forest edge near the school in order to think and is sadly mulling over the failures of the day. She is curled around her center, making a ball. Her face wouldn’t be too visible, just her eyes peeking over her arm that rests on her knees. The third pose is Aven finally crying, letting out the built-up sadness. She isn’t curled up as tightly anymore, although still hunched over, face hidden behind hands. The important part of the pose would be the hunched shoulders and bowed head. Since the face is hidden, emotions must be shown more through posture.
Pose: Sadness


Pose: Sadness



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