This was for a class I took at The MoMA
Choose an artist name from the list below. Using MoMA Gothic as your base, create an
expressive type treatment that communicates who the artist is and their work. Typeset
the corresponding biographical text (non-expressively) in a way that complements your
type treatment. Include the funding information for all biographies.
Consider different design variables, such as scale, color, and texture, and how you can
use them to your advantage. How would someone familiar with your arist interpret your
type treatment? What about someone who has never heard of your artist?
• Use only two typefaces: MoMA Gothic, and MoMA Trade Gothic
• No imagery of the artist’s actual work
The concept was to have Andy Warhol's name take up most of the wall. If you get close enough to the wall, it is revealed that his name is made up of his quote “Don't pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.” Which I found appropriate for the scale of the wall. The colors are Red, White, and Blue, to symbolize Warhol as one of America's biggest artists.
The Intro text would be placed infront of the wall in an old television to represent Warhol's films and his Japanese TV commercials.
For the second part of the project, we had the option to use our own space, and make an animation for the title wall. My concept involves using televisions to harken at Warhol's work dealing with advertising and commercialism, as well as to call back to his TV comercials.
Andy Warhol: Exhibit.

Andy Warhol: Exhibit.

Concept for Andy Warhol Exhibit at the MoMA.
