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Understanding the Meaning of a Facelift- Facial strap

Understanding the Meaning of a Facelift- Facial Strap
I'd have to say that one of the major misunderstandings that patients have about plastic surgery is what a facelift is. Nearly every day, I inform prospective patients—much to their surprise—that a facelift is not what they imagine it to be. The majority of patients believe that a facelift affects their entire face, from the neck down to the scalp. And they picture dreadful facial bruising and swelling lasting for weeks. But in actuality, a facelift is not like that. A facelift is a medical treatment with a somewhat unfortunate name. Since this is what it actually does, it would be more accurate to refer to it as a neck or neck-jowl lift. Only the lower third of the face is altered by a facelift; the middle and upper thirds are unaffected. It eliminates those droopy jowls and aids in restoring a straighter neck angle.

There is no swelling or bruising around the eyes or the rest of the face when a facelift is performed alone. However, if a patient wants a more comprehensive facial enhancement, simultaneous treatments involving the eyes, nose, or lips may be performed along with a facelift. This has the effect of more nearly resembling what the patient had first envisaged a facelift to be. Patients who undergo facelift surgery do have a head bandage and surgical drains for the first night following surgery. Patients are taken off the following day, and for the remainder of the week, they wear a Facial Compression Strap or chin compression strap comprised of chin lipo foam. The next day, patients can take a shower and wash their hair. There are no specific activity restrictions, except than bending over or physically demanding activity. Recovery is primarily social in nature rather than physical. There is hardly any discomfort and only a slight amount of tenderness around the ears. In seven to ten days, the results of a facelift alone will make you look rather lovely.

For more information, visit- https://facialstrap.com/

Original source- https://bit.ly/3QJszPI

Understanding the Meaning of a Facelift- Facial strap

Understanding the Meaning of a Facelift- Facial strap


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