The goal of this campaign was to get people to know about Mighty White's new Supreme Sandwich Bread, which has better health benefits that have been shown by research. We went for a bold and confident tone for the campaign as a whole to appeal to parents and fit with the "superior/superhero" theme. ​​​​​​​
Print Ad
Copywriting done by Subbashnee Muniswaran
Our target audience was parents with children between the ages of 7 and 16 who are attending school and want their kids to consume good-quality healthy ingredients that are good for their bodies and do not compromise on taste. Hence, I wanted to come up with a design where I could attract the children. Also, I thought of using the pop art style because we, as a group, decided that it would suit our campaign collaterals. I also chose the colours of the logos that we created. Also, I used superhero elements to suit our creative brief and the idea that we intended to.
Copywriting done by Subbashnee Muniswaran
Campaign Collaterals


Campaign Collaterals
