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pro life practice

for my first weeks project we have been asked to take one selfie, and one self portrait image. This may seem easy but once you think about it you must decide what is the difference between the two. For me a selfie is only done on the phone and captures the moment your in much better and you can relate to the image much more. However, a self portrait to me is something which is set up and takes time too compose and is what you want other people to see.

Carte de Visite was a photographer in the 1860's, in those times obviously a lot of people dint have much money. So when people did have their photos taken it was often a complete illusion of what their actual lives were like.

For my classic piece of street photography I took inspiration from Henri Cartier-Bresson. His work really interested me because, from what I saw he captured people going on there every day life and in some of his photographs the subject looked back at the camera. I also find his compositions incredibly complex and although mine is no where near as complex as his, I did try and line st Pauls up in the centre with the subject but failed

For my contemporary piece of photography I decided to take inspiration from Beat Streuli. I find it really interesting how he is in the middle of all the action yet know one ever notices him taking the photos.
in my opinion classic street photography seems to be capturing a big ceremony or something and maybe a little bit more thought out in terms of composition and angles. whereas contemporary photography seems to capture an emotion in that exact moment and gives us a story we can change in our own way.
Iwan Baan is a modern architect photographer who is Dutch. He was born in 1975. Form what I can see is he likes to fill the camera with the amazing architecture design and likes to compose his shots around the building. Sometimes he does have a subject in his photos to help draw attention to a certain bit, or to compose it, or to fill in space. But for the most part he lets the building speaks for itself. The reason I chose him is because I love the wide angle he chooses and uses the structure of the building to compose his shot.
Berenice Abbott is a classic photographer in Paris. The reason I chose her was because, she plays with lights and shadows a lot with her architecture photography, she seems to focus less on the actual design than Iwan Baan and prefers to play with the building itself to see if she can mould it in her own creative way and create something she wants. Rather than create something to she the amazing architecture unlike Iwan Baan who likes to show the amazing architecture.
 for this task we have been asked to take photos for the built environment, my reference photos show how we as humans have built over the environment. For my first picture went to the Lyons building where the building is "inside out". I used this building because it shows how humans interact with the infrastructure but from a different perspective. I like how we can see what humans would be doing on the inside of the building but in the outside instead, it gives a weird but cool perspective to it. For my reference photo I like how it shows that humans are dependant on infrastructure now and it goes hand in hand with us make it, but us also relying on it.

For my second picture I wanted to use a bridge to show how we as humans have built these structures to live our normal lives and commute to wherever you need to go. For my reference photo I used the photo above with the train, I like how the photo has every sort of building a city needs to be a city, yet you don't see a single person.

For this weeks task I we have been asked to take photos of the environment, I want interpret this in a way that shows how we as humans use transport to get around the environment faster. 
For my research I am using Micheal Wolf, he is a German photographer and mainly takes photos of city life, he likes to take photos with patterns and structure. His style of photography has helped me influence how I will approach this task. I want to use structure that links to how we as humans link to the environment.

For nature photography I am going to the Lake District with my family so it is the perfect opportunity for nature photography. for my research/ inspiration I am using a photographer I found on instagram called Dylan shup. I like how his photos are not crowded and only have one subject mainly. I also loves his blue tones
for this weeks task we have been asked to create 5 images that tell a story or narrative. For my research I am using a photographer called Jill Freedman, she took Photos of issues within society and immersed herself within Ito the point where she lived with them. For my photos I want to try and tell a story too and let my images join into one.
pro life practice

pro life practice


Creative Fields