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World Mental Health Day 2022


It can take months, sometimes years, not only for one doctor but multiple doctors to accurately diagnose a mental illness. There are a wide range of individual differences. Symptoms can overlap, need digging, and it’s more like a trial and error longterm commitment journey.

Hold it.. back to regular people talks. We can see a bruised knee, feel an upset tummy, but what about an aching mind?
Not everyone can or even want to express their mental struggle to others. Simply some won’t understand while others don’t really care.

There is a strong connection between mental illness and creativity; as artists are human being using “not your everyday” method to communicate and express their feelings, thoughts and ideas. They went the extra mile screaming out their aching minds, yet rarely anyone heard.

Salvador Dalí was psychotic with several DSM Cluster A & B personality disorders. 
Frida Kahlo lived her entire life with depression, suffered from PTSD and bipolar disorder with a last message
“I hope the exit is joyful and I hope never to return" — Frida. 
Vincent Van Gogh who ended his own life was psychosis, had manic depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
All it takes is just a kind heart that’s willing to see beyond the surface, this could be you, him, her, them.
At the end of the day we are all made of emotions and I wish no one ever suffers alone in screaming silence.
I hear you... I feel you... I see you...

World Mental Health Day
World Mental Health Day 2022


World Mental Health Day 2022

World Mental Health Day 10.10.2022 "And you still couldn't see?" We can see a bruised knee, feel an upset tummy, but what about an aching mind? Read More
