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GENERATOR™ - Concept Card Game

GENERATOR™ is a concept card game involving in-game cash, player inventories, and lots of drinking.
I enjoy conventional drinking games but felt that there was definitely a market for one that involves more interesting but simple game mechanics such as collectible items and an in-game currency.
Consisting of 100 custom cards, this turn-based game is designed to be enjoyed best by 4 players. No board needed, just the cards, the drink in your hand, and a pint glass...
The GENERATOR™ deck consists of 100 cards and is split into two piles at the beginning of every game, with the pint glass in the middle.
MISSION cards are kept together in one pile whilst other card types are shuffled together in another.
Each player starts with one of four possible BLUEPRINT cards, which tells them who they are playing as in the game. With every turn players must choose one card from either of the two piles.
If a player picks up an ITEM card that is listed on their Blueprint card, is it automatically added to their inventory. 
MISSION cards are challenges that players must complete to gain in-game credits. Riskier or more difficult challenges earn more points.
Players have the opportunity to turn down MISSION cards at the expense of their turn, after which the card is then placed in Mission Control. This pile of refused MISSION cards can not exceed 5 cards but gives other players an opportunity to pick them up on their turn instead of drawing a random card.
If a player draws an ITEM card that is not on their Blueprint, it goes into the Item Store. From here, the player that needs it can purchase it after accumulating enough credits from completing MISSIONS.
But it's not just drinking and Item hunting. Other cards introduce game-changing mechanics and keep the pace switched up during play.
POWER cards give players special abilities with either single or unlimited use. They can be used to make other players drink, or change the playing field of the game in other ways. Only one POWER card can be active per player. If a new POWER card is drawn from the deck it automatically replaces the previous one so it is important to make the most of these cards.
MALFUNCTION cards introduce new rules that every player has to adhere to. The penalty for disobeying these rules is usually to take a drink. There can only be one active at a time, drawing one automatically replaces the other.
MAINTENANCE cards are random events that can affect one or all players, often robbing them of their hard-earned credits! These cards require immediate action so do not sit in a slot, they are added to the burn pile immedately once completed.
These cards will aslo prompt players to 'Fill the GENERATOR!' periodically throughout the game, which involves pouring some of their drink into the Pint glass. This can givce some interesting results.
The aim of the game is to use your smarts and a bit of luck to be one of the players to collect every ITEM on their BLUEPRINT card. The remaining player must then 'Drain the GENERATOR' to give the others opportunity to escape, and end the game.
This way, if you lose you get tot go out as a hero. No bad tempers, just good fun. And did I say lots of drinking?
GENERATOR™ - Concept Card Game

GENERATOR™ - Concept Card Game

A personal project that I'm continuing to develop. I would like to add some packaging concepts and some finishing touches to the overall aestheti Read More
