Shirt Designs
In Agency class, we had the opportunity to learn how to design our own shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies. It also helped us learn how to heat press our designs to the items. I used a two-step process for my sweatshirt and hoodie for both of my designs. The first step was to press for 100 seconds and instantly do a hot peel from the film before possibly ruining the piece. After step 1 is completed, you proceed to place the film on the fabric however you want and then press for 30 seconds for it to settle. Once the peel is cooled, it should have a glossy look to it. Finally, to make sure it has settled we pressed for an additional 20 seconds, and it gave a final matte shiny finish.
Front / Back of Kirby Shirt Design
Rick and Morty Shirt Design
Final Pieces Together
Shirt Designs


Shirt Designs
