[Designed as part of the course H541-Interaction Design Practice, IUPUI]
Team Members: Malvika Bansal, Ryan Ahmed, Shivin Saxena
DressWiser is intended to serve as a practical and effective solution to overcome everyday dressing-up and related decision-making hassle within the home environment. Given this context and goal, the target audience includes all members of a household (teenagers and grown-ups) with an active lifestyle, average to high social interaction and who commute to work, school or social events on a regular basis. The “Primary” user group is young professionals and students, especially women (owing to a relatively larger wardrobe inventory to choose from). Users should ideally be somewhat familiar with smart device interaction using touch and gesture commands.
Sketch: Current Wardrobe Screen Layout
Low-Fidelity Prototyping
High-Fidelity prototype demonstration on large wall screen display