The WanderingSoul's profile

Autumn Up North, Pt. III (Coast)

Autumn Up North, Pt. III (Coast)
[Two Months of Landscape Photography, 2022]
Wenn ich unterwegs bin, gleicht jeder Tag einem Jahr, liegt doch der gestrige Ort nicht nur weit hinter, sondern damit ebenso fern vor mir, bleibt doch ungewiss, ob ich je noch einmal zurückkehren werde.

I decided to divide this years results of my travel during autumn into two different parts. This one, as the first, focuses on images I've taken along the coast. Mainly I was looking for landscapes but included one or the other seascape sometimes.


Autumn Up North
Pt. I (2019) | Pt. II (2020) | Pt. III (Coast, Highlands)
(I visited this well-known place now since almost ten years; actually, this was the first time I got decent light.)
(Not the best light this time, despite of waiting days.)
(I was hoping for a sunset, no chance due to overcasted skies on two days.)
(I found this spot in April, the heavy rain created a waterfall to the right this time.)
(The light was stunning, the wind was strong a several heavy rains came through.)
(Still my favourite lighthouse, I guess.)
(I found this spot in April but had to wait for a different angle of the setting sun. The light was awesome but so was the wind. Pretty scary place to be during those weather conditions. I decided it was worth the risk.)
Autumn Up North, Pt. III (Coast)

Autumn Up North, Pt. III (Coast)
