Marissa Oerlemans's profile

02 Editorial design: Medicus multis manibus (REDO)

02 Editorial design: Medicus multis manibus (Redone version)
Project brief
This project requires students to develop a unique concept for a hardcover printed book dealing with someone whom they perceive to be a person of worth or a person whose story is worthy of telling. Students are required to conduct in-depth research on/with the subject, develop an editorial concept and narrative strategy, write partial original text, develop a design concept, execute imaging components, and produce convincing prototypes (presentation boards with 3-D mock-up) of the book, that will accompany the book.
01 Presentation boards

02 A single PDF file consisting of the following flats 
• Dust jacket/outer cover
• Inner cover
• Two different endpapers
• Title page
• Imprint/copyright page
• Contents page/s
• One completed chapter (minimum 4 spreads)
• Three additional chapter titles (or more) presented in spread format
• One additional text and image spread for each of the additional chapters 

03 Text in typewritten format.
Design strategy
Since my subject for the book didn't change, my design strategy for redoing this project remained very much the same as my original design strategy, which was the following:

My subject for this project is Helené Basson. She is a surgeon, a sharp shooter and a choir conductor.  The common denominator between these three unlikely activities is Helene's hands that perform them all. In light of this, a pair of hands is the common theme that runs through the book. The idea of one person's hands being so versatile is also what gave rise to the title of the book, which is the Latin translation for surgeon with many hands. In terms of the narrative strategy, each chapter of the book is linked to a specific character trait of a pair of hands, such as being dexterous, occupied or expressive.Due to the subject's medical background, Latin translations are used for the main title and the chapter titles and a simple and quite rigid grid is used to imitate the layout of a medical textbook. The visual style incorporates hand drawn sketches to mimic the sketches found in medical books, combined with three-dimensional objects to further emphasise the idea of hands, either creating these objects or interacting with them.

I redid all of the chapter title spreads and all of the presentation boards for this version of the project. I also refined some of the illustrations. The concept of using a rigid grid to imitate the layout of a medical textbook is still appropriate in my opinion, because of the subject's medical background. However, some of the layouts in the original version became too rigid. The chapter title spreads, for example, looked too rigid in comparison to the other layouts. In an effort to improve this, I kept the grid in place for the text, but I added a full page of colour and added some patterning. The patterning adds visual interest. Creating patterns out of unexpected objects such as bullets and scalpels also adds a more quirky element to the visual style of the book, which is in keeping with the subject's personality. I also incorporated the patterning in the new presentation boards and changed the layouts for all the presentation boards. 

To read the full story and gain said clarification, click here.

Subject and context
Meet Helené Basson. Surgeon, sharp shooter and choir conductor, who, in her own words, simply wants to make what is in her head come out through her hands.

Visual inspiration
I took visual inspiration from medical textbooks due to the subject's medical background. Sketches found in medical books are naturally quite detailed and realistic. Adding three-dimensional or unexpected objects to detailed, textbook style sketches emphasises the subject's diverse interests and interesting personality. Adding three-dimensional objects also eludes to the idea of hands, either making these objects or interacting with them.

Media exploration
For the first round of media exploration, I experimented with a number of unique ways of drawing traditional scenes or drawing traditional objects.

The concept of combining of traditional drawings with pencil and three-dimensional objects was the most successful in terms of visual exploration. So for the next few rounds of media exploration, I focused solely on combining pencil sketches with objects.

Editorial and layout inspiration
In terms of layout, I used the above reference of a medical textbook on the left as inspiration. The idea was to have the text in a very rigid grid, with the illustrative elements breaking out of the rigid grid like the example on the right.

The final step in the process before starting with the final executions was to explore a number of different layouts and illustrations through storyboards. This sample of storyboards show a number of different options for the different layouts.

To view the entire process and all the storyboards, please view the full process work document here.

Typography and colour palette

Inner cover and dust jacket​​​​​​​

Endpapers, imprint and contents page and introduction

Additional chapter title and spread

Additional chapter title and spread

Completed chapter

Additional chapter title and spread
A selection of four of these presentation boards have been printed. Please find these printed presentation boards in the student gallery, in the book project section.

Flat designs
To view all the flat designs, please click here.

02 Editorial design: Medicus multis manibus (REDO)

02 Editorial design: Medicus multis manibus (REDO)


Creative Fields