The Obirah
Publication, 2022

The book Obirah is the reversed name from Haribo which is the gummy bear company. This book started from the theory of the gummy bear is an alien from the exploration of gummy bears by melting, squeezing, pressing, cutting, and sticking it. The book Obirah gives the odd feeling about gummy bears to people by letting them believe it like the real facts. The design tried to show it as science magazine by using the wording such as undefined, secret, and dissect. Each chapter contains different information about gummy bears; the first chapter (pink) is ‘the secret beginning.’

It shares about the origin of the gummy bear, the second chapter (blue) is ‘the spot under wraps.’ Keep under wraps means to keep the secret, which talks about its packaging, the third chapter (green) is ‘the undefined power.’ It talks about the characteristics of the gummy bear.  the last chapter (yellow) is ‘the quiet attack.’ It explains how the gummy bear can hurt a human’s body.

The Obirah

The Obirah
