Simão Pereira's profile

The Troll and the Cookies

Hello everyone! I've done this piece in the beginning of the year I think and I'm still quite proud of it, I just haven't shared it here (oopsies). This was the first time that I was actually invested in creating a story inside a piece, I now notice it's quite confusing and full of noise, but that's (mostly) what I was going for anyway.
In case you're wondering, the story behind it is that someone made some delicious cookies and the amazing smell attracted that giant troll, where our character is standing and waving, he is standing in the troll's nose trying to get his attention while the dog is barking trying to warn the boy that it's not safe up there ~ I know, very confusing, I'm trying to improve my storytelling skills :)
The Troll and the Cookies


The Troll and the Cookies


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