Good Bread

Good Bread — is a family-run bakery nestled in the heart of Rome, Italy. Founded by the culinary passions of two siblings, Good Bread bakery has evolved from a simple love of baking into a haven for bread enthusiasts in the city.  At Good Bread, their mission is rooted in their deep appreciation for the art of breadmaking and an unwavering commitment to quality ingredients, while vision is set on transforming the way people perceive bread, making it an integral part of a wholesome lifestyle 

My visual objective was to capture the essence of business and transform a simple product into a captivating brand. Good Bread's roots trace back to the cherished memories of our childhood, inspiring the origin of the brand name. 'Good Bread' embodies the nostalgic, comforting feeling of homemade goodness.
Just as in the brand name, the synergy between 'good' and 'bread' reflects to their commitment to quality and taste. Logo symbolizes shapes of bread waiting to be tasted, reminding us of the "baked now" smell that happens when we enter the bakery shop.  The dominant organe/brown color symbolizes "cosy" approach to baking, while the subtle touch of green infuses a modern and trendy vibe.

Overall design aesthetic boasts a minimalist style, coupled with bold typography, ensuring a timeless and memorable result that will continue to elevate brand awareness.
Find me: Instagram
Good Bread


Good Bread
