Em Cooley's profile

Real Cornwall (photojournalism project)

This is Ben, i found him in the harbour in Penryn painting his boat. He was happy to have his photo taken and i sat with him for a couple of hours. These are the notes from what we chatted about.

Offshore Nigeria oil rigs. Pirates have  AK47s nowadays. Working on oil rigs everyone used
to think it was such fun. Lads just larking around. But it's all just health and safety nowadays.
Although You know the 12 litre diving canisters? We'd have them delivered full of
Going Diving tomorrow with some mates up by Helford, there's an old wreck down there.
Drives boat to chain locker. Get done for drink driving? No, but it is illegal like. Do you want
a cup of tea? We're a friendly lot. Was going to buy a house in Penryn but the mortgage is
too much. So now I live on this boat for the forseeble future. I don't have a wife or girlfriend
so it's just easy.
Originally from Bodmin moor but don't hold it against me. Horrible place.
Where are you from? The midlands? You like it down here? Much nicer to be by the sea.

Went to the kings head last night with a few mates. Felt so old. Don't know how you feel
about drum and bass but it's awful music. You can't dance to it or reminisce over it. I went
to Grapes after and this Cornish band were playing. Shame coz they were just finishing up.
Diddly celtic tunes that you can jig along to. Prefer the more traditional stuff.
You want a photo of my tattoos? I've got port and starboard and Cornwall one and all.

Why are you painting the boat that colour?
Oh this is just the primer to protect the wood but it'll be red when I'm nished. Is that the
rain? Typical it only comes out when I get the paintbrush out.

Why do you want my ugly mug in your coursework?
Real Cornwall (photojournalism project)

Real Cornwall (photojournalism project)

Brief: Real Cornwall Photojournalism project to emphasise the importance of knowing your audience. As designers we rarely venture out and do our Read More
