Female Dragon Concept
For my illustrated novels, I needed dragons who held strong avian traits. For these dragons, maturity can be determined by horn and frill development. Females tend to be larger and less colorful than their male counterparts. Coloration changes very little over a female’s lifetime, but males shift strongly from hatchlings to full adulthood.
The idea behind this concept is that the wings, being the strongest forelimbs, would be used in all locomotion.  Primarily, the wings would be used in flight but are also favored when walking upon the ground. The weaker forearms would be reserved for minor movements, turning clutches of eggs,
and preening.
The busts below repreent the growth stages of a female dragon. In order, they are: Hatchling, Juvenile, Adult, and Ancient Adult.
Female Dragon Concept

Female Dragon Concept

Conceptual illustration featuring a wing-walking female dragon. Growth stages are also included.
