In the summer of 2017, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 graced the silver screen and was one of my favorite characters had a new lease on life, Groot. After watching, I was trying to figure out as a fan what should I create to show my love. This was one of my first process video on Youtube.

Once I decided to create Baby Groot illustration, I began by creating a more detailed sketch of what I was envisioning. I used my Wacom Cintiq to create the sketch in Adobe Photoshop. I began by focusing on one of the hardest parts of the sketch, the part I wanted to capture a good amount of detail, the body. I then sketched out the rest of the composition before creating the environment around him.

Below you’ll find two speed drawing videos that can be found on my YouTube channel. The videos show the process from sketching all the way to the finished poster design.
Baby Groot


Baby Groot
