These easter ads were created for top brands to create brand awareness.
They were visible on different platforms and the goal of this campaign is to maximize the number of users watching it, so as to solidify the brands in the hearts of its consumers and also gain new loyalists.

BIG IDEA: Guaranteed life.

RATIONALE: With Leadway assurance, Consumers can always feel guaranteed a good life just as the death and resurrection of Christ give us a guarantee for eternal life.
Big Idea: WE CARE

Big Idea Rationale: As a brand, we provide indigenous and durable cars that will be very reliable at all times, We understand the importance of Easter and as a brand, we are here to serve you during this period. Jesus CARED that even as he had no sin he died for us. We care as a brand and connect with his ideology.
BIG IDEA: Free subscription.

Big Idea Rationale: It's an easter season and we want to help our consumers enjoy the season way more so we decided to give all our consumers some free days off just like Jesus made salvation free for all.
BIG IDEA: The Victory.

Big Idea Rationale: Infertility comes with a lot of emotional pain and a period of waiting when expecting conception. We as brands understand and as such are dedicated to helping couples through the process and making them focus on the possibilities just as Christ endured the pain on the cross to give us all victory.
Easter Ad Campaign


Easter Ad Campaign
