João Águas's profile

Comet ZTF C/2022 E3

I took a photo of ZTF C/2022 E3 near Baiona, Galicia, Spain.
The 22 of January of 2023 had an apparent magnitude in the visible part of the spectrum of 5.9. Very close to the limit of the human eye. :-)
For this photo, I used only my Canon EOS M50, with a 55-200mm objective lens. For this, I took 17 shots with exposures of 30 seconds, and this session took around one hour. 
Those 17 photos were integrated into a single photo, that was then cropped from 6000x4000 to 2560x1440. The reference where not the background stars, but the comet it self. So, it was like tracking the comet. That's why the background stars look like stripes. This shows the comet's movement in its orbit relative to the background stars. :-)
As the aperture of the objective is small, I could not get more light to have more details. If I only had a telescope... :-\
It has a 50000-year orbit, so... that gives me time to gather money to buy a good telescope. :P eheheheheheheheheeheh!!! Joking! :P
I hope that you've enjoyed this small project.
Thank you for your visit.
Comet ZTF C/2022 E3

Comet ZTF C/2022 E3
