Kennedy Crawford's profile

Geometric Self-Portrait

In Digital Illustration, we created geometric self-portraits. A geometric self-portrait is a portrait composed of geometric shapes. We used the pin tool to create shapes over our pictures' various colors, highlights, and shadows. Then we used the eyedropper tool to match the color from the original photo to the shapes we created from the pin tool.
First I selected a picture of myself to use for my portrait. Then I layered the photograph to draw on top of the image. Afterward, I used my pin and eyedropper tools to start my portrait process. I knew from the start I wanted to make mine detailed. So, I made tiny triangles to ensure every highlight and shadow was clear. Finally, I used the gradient tool to create a subtle background when I finished.
I have a love-hate relationship with this project. I've never done something super detailed like this in illustrator before because I never believed I could. In the beginning, I chose to do it super detailed to challenge myself. I didn't care if I failed and just went for it. I'm proud of my results. I had a lot of fun doing this project, and seeing how cool everyone's turned out makes me want to do more and try different styles. I spent a lot of time on this project, and It's a very tedious process, but It reminded me that good things take time. The pin and eyedropper tool will forever be ingrained in my brain, and I will continue challenging myself to grow as an artist.
Geometric Self-Portrait

Geometric Self-Portrait
