Introducing Slice from the game Elements of Infinity. In this game, the main player must find and capture fairies and harvest their power to save the main players dystopian world. Slice is a loud and rude side character that is part of a gang called the "GateKreepers," and he constantly butts heads with the main player, attempting to steal valuable tools or healing potions.
This artifact demonstrates my knowledge in human anatomy, structure and gesture in the character and clothing design and my ability to create a variety of facial expressions.
This is Slice's signature steampunk knife. He keep it on him wherever he goes and whenever he wants to look tougher or more intimidating. There is a button on the top that releases the blade and a dial on the handle that controls the level of electricity. Electric waves surge through the orange wire into the blade to create an electric slash that can paralyze his foes. It is very affective against humans and low level fairies.
This artifact demonstrates my experience in world building by understanding the characters' role in the game and creating an original design that represents it.

