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Lunar Eclipse (ft. Blood Moon) - APR. 2k14

I really wanted to take my photo shooting to the next level by going out and shooting at the lunar eclipse, but I had realised that I could have just mounted my tripod in the living room and open the patio door. It was chilly, yes, but I felt more secure knowing that I did not have to lug the support and equipment all of the way downstairs.

Anyhew, at first, the moon was really bright - almost too bright for a full moon, but I was hesitant on taking shots. I will admit the first ten were a tad overexposed, but that did not stop me.

I quickly researched online better ways to shot the moon, and I adjusted my camera to its appropriate settings - it had only taken a few moments, but I looked back and had noticed a wee chunk of our lunar neighbour had been missing. I took a snapshot and waited to try different intervals (or any gradual changes; or whichever came first).

Eventually, the moon began to look like a bit of a toenail, which made ponder, if we were going to have a "Blood Moon", why isn't it red? Just then, the dark bit of the moon started to glow.

I gawked for a bit before coming to my senses, took a few shots and waited. I read more online of the three phases and had felt so great that I got to witness two of the three so far. Alas, I became too sleepy to focus on the last bit of the eclipse.

Either way, I felt most fortunate to have experienced this rare astronomical splendour, and more so, to have taken some shots of the event. By the time I had taken off the remote shutter and equipment for my camera, I had already taken well over three-hundred photos. Of the lot, only sixty-something came out decent enough that I was so eager to post some up here as a blog. More over, I even got a snap of the planet Mars, which was conveniently to the right of the moon; woot!!
Lunar Eclipse (ft. Blood Moon) - APR. 2k14

Lunar Eclipse (ft. Blood Moon) - APR. 2k14

I really wanted to take my photo shooting to the next level by going out and shooting my first lunar eclipse
