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How to Create an Online Profile to Make New Friends

How to Create an Online Profile to Make New Friends
Nowadays, we are surrounded by apps that encourage us to show the world what everyone else wants to see, rather than to display who we really are. The funky algorithms and social pressure make it difficult to create genuine connections online. Luckily, there are apps like Spinnr that encourage users to find new friends by showing off their favorite interests and hobbies through video profiles. Instead of swiping left or right through endless profiles to find your perfect match, keep reading to learn how to create an online profile to make new friends. 

Be Authentic
The best way to create strong, long-lasting relationships is to be your most authentic self from the start. To have a more authentic profile, fill your profile with videos and photos to show off your passions and personality. When people encounter a complete and updated profile, they perceive the person to be active and eager to meet like-minded individuals. Add at least 3 videos to your profile and a photo, as well as complete all descriptive questions. 

When talking to someone new, be honest and respectful as you get to learn about each other. Be careful with how personal your questions and comments are, however, don’t be afraid to move beyond small talk. Even if you meet someone that may not be your match, treat them with kindness and respect.  

Be Thorough
To attract new friends to your profile, be sure to complete all descriptions within your profile. By doing this, new friends can come across your profile and learn about similar interests before reaching out to you. You can add information about your hometown, school, favorite hobbies and interests, age, religious affiliation, etc. to bring new, similar people to your profile. Being thorough on your online profile enables you to avoid coming across people you may not be compatible in friendship with so that the friendship-making process is smooth and easy. 

Be Fun
Most importantly, always keep it fun! Show off your silly or adventurous side so people can see the real you. Keeping your profile light-hearted and filled with interesting visuals and facts about yourself will draw people toward you. Don’t promote harmful language or violence on your profiles, and be sure to be inclusive toward each new person you meet. Making new friends online can be easy and fun by being your most authentic self.
How to Create an Online Profile to Make New Friends

How to Create an Online Profile to Make New Friends


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