Ok Yellow's profile

Snowing in Space Coffee


It was the height of Covid, and we knew that most parents were at home with their kids trying to stay productive. Snowing in Space's tagline was "Refuel your Rad," and we wanted to make their product a more fun experience for everyone - giving the parents the ability to choose their own packaging and give their kids something new and fun to do by turning the bags into sock puppets when the coffee was gone. Win win.
Branding, Package Design, Illustration
Photography: Snowing in Space

Snowing in Space is a brand dedicated to quality and innovation, and the packaging leaned into that with premium finishes and artful illustrations, and a product that jumped out at you from the shelf. At the time it was quite disruptive – as most grocery store shelves consisted of coffee-colored bags – and made a huge impact.

Snowing in Space Coffee

Snowing in Space Coffee
