An Exponat about change and alienation. A work feathering simple effects in complex settings. 
The exhibition Konzept to accompanied the movie.
The two pictures showing the melting and forming process of the black mask. The contrast between hard edges and flowing lines. 
The ice sculpture that was melting during the exhibition. (pre melting) An abstract form, changing the 2D view of the movie and pictures to a visible phenomenon for the viewer.

The process of the 4 house melting.  
During the exhibition the melting sculpture was an objects that visitors liked to come back to and see the progress. Many people were wondering about the material the mask and sculpture were made of. Cole, resin or even the thought of it being CGI were heard. Rarely visitors guessed ice first. The Simple Principe of melting ice in such a complex way. 
The podium were the ice melted onto was left with an pencil like drawing as a byproduct. Transforming ones again, starting with a solid 3D, melting into a liquid ending up in a solid 2D.

The following pictures showcase the experimental progress,  mixture studies to the final product.
Concept by:                                              Model: 
Felix Oehmen                                           Steffen Poss                                             2020/2021

Curated :                                                  Semester work in
Felix Oehmen                                          "Wandel der Stoffe" 
                                                                 by Thomas Wirtz and
Photography/ Video:                                 Frédéric Wiegand

Felix Oehmen 


