This is the logo we came up with for Cooper Street, an online literary journal created by Rutgers University MFA students, Greg Sullivan and Erin McCourt. The logo is used as the primary mark for their brand. The mark was inspired by the urbanized themes in the writing.
This was concept art for the cover for volume one of the journal. The idea was to create an inviting cover that would stand out from other university literary journal magazines. With the aid of a scanner and textured filters, I was able to manipulate the type in this way; in keeping with the themes conceptualized by the comissioner, hand-made, grungy and uneasy; themes that were derived from the writings as well as intended part of the branding scheme.  
Here is a promotional piece we created the functioned as an additional piece of branding but also as a way to get the word out on the newly formed literary journal.
Close up of the print. The shirt was designed with the intent of conveying the grunge, urban aesthetics and feels of the journal itself.
Cooper Street

Cooper Street

Logo design and branding materials created for Cooper Street, a free online literary journal created by English MFA students at Rutgers Universit Read More
